Ever seen 'The Martrix has you'? I bet you have. You coppied the final short, at the end, the two smiths say almsot the same as what you maga man people said. You are terrible and you copy!
Ever seen 'The Martrix has you'? I bet you have. You coppied the final short, at the end, the two smiths say almsot the same as what you maga man people said. You are terrible and you copy!
I thought osmeone might say that bbut I didn't copy it,it's just that joke has been used so many times
I viewed a bunch of your cartoons and I have come to the conclusion that... you can NOT draw and you are NOT creative.
first of all, for anything with fighting you make... that solid combat wasn'y your idea... and the graphics sucked... you use crappy stick figures... and if you dont use those you use sprites that YOU DIDN't DRAW!
sure, u r expierienced at flash (eg. 3D effects) but you are NOT careative and you are TERRIBLE at drawing!
2 things... You cant know if i suck at drawing because you never saw any of my drawing.... No... Im not GOOD at drawing.. but i dont suck at it... and that doesnt matter.. .Because i AM good a drawing and tweening animation.. I cant check you profile to see if you have any flash (my internet is being fucked up) But i think you suck at flash...
2. Why do you say im not creative... Watch my clay movie (freedom, clay...ITS ALIVE!!! etc...) those are all pretty creative.
Well... now i come to the conclusion that i rule and you SUCK!
Bye. Now continue on you silly fucked up flash movies that will be blammed anyway, Ciao.
Age 33, Male
Jesse Ketchum
Toronto, ON
Joined on 6/5/04